+echo \ Some silly code to test our module stuff: : AA ." AA calling: " qq ; : BB db ." BB here. " aa ; immediate 999 value myVal int myInt : CC ." CC calling. myVal is " myVal . cr 23 put: myInt get: myInt . cr \ print: [ myInt ] postpone bb ; : DD 1 2 3 ; false -> CASE_IN_NAMES? : aWord false -> CASE_IN_NAMES? ; :class export_class super{ object } int II int JJ :m AA: ." AA method calling!" ;m :m BB: ." BB method here. " aa: self ;m :m CC: db ." CC method calling. " bb: self cr ." jj should be 66, and is " get: jj . cr ;m :m classinit: ." classinit: here!" 77 put: ii 66 put: jj ;m ;class export_class EE